Felt Gathering 20252025-02-28T01:07:49+00:00

This will be an exciting gathering, full of techniques, design, passion and inspiration!

Felt Gathering
March 6-16, 2025
Mahon Hall
Salt Spring Island, BC

How to Get Here: https://www.fionaduthie.com/how-to-get-to-salt-spring-island/

Where to Stay on Salt Spring Island: https://www.fionaduthie.com/where-to-stay-on-salt-spring-island/

Cancellation/Refund Policy: https://www.fionaduthie.com/cancellation-refund-policy/


All Workshops are now FULL!

It happened very quickly with all but one class selling out in under 5 minutes!

People’s plans do change, so please do email me to sign up for a waitlist for your desired classes! Please include the workshop date and name in your email so we can ensure you are on the correct list! 

Thank you everyone for your enthusiasm! xo


March 6-9: Fiona Duthie, Layers in Design, Adjustable Nuno  Collage Garment Design


The Materials List can be found HERE!

These pieces suit all bodies and are always comfortable, flattering and unique.  We’ll create highly wearable art pieces that can be gathered, pleated, and shaped using embedded felt cords and metal and rubber rings while making the participant’s choice of a jacket, top, or tunic. We are exploring styles that are easy to wear, items you could put on every day, but that also are artistic, beautifully designed and unique. Participants can choose their class project after trying on samples on the first day of the workshop.

There will be 12 participants in this workshop.

This workshop is now FULL! To be added to the waiting list for this workshop, please email me with the Subject: March 6-9: Fiona Duthie, Layers in Design, Adjustable Nuno  Collage Garment Design so we can add you to the correct list!



March 7-9: Saar Snoek, Nature-Nurture, Exploratory Textural Sculptures


The Materials List can be found HERE!

The natural world is an endless source of inspiration for felt makers: sea creatures, seed pods, succulents… endless variety but also many similarities. Patterns that repeat everywhere and are visible in nature: multiple symmetries, repeating rhythms and patterns, scales, protrusions.

In this workshop, we will experiment with these characteristics to create new creatures. A kind of evolution in felt!

In the meantime, you will learn more about:

  • How to create a repeating pattern on a three-dimensional shape
  • How to construct a complex three-dimensional form
  • Different ways to connect materials
  • Recognizing and understanding the different stages of felting to gain more control over your process
  • Learn how to bring expression in your sculpture with shaping tools
  • Play and let go of expectations

There will be 8 participants in this workshop.

This workshop is now FULL! To be added to the waiting list for this workshop, please email me with the Subject: March 7-9: Saar Snoek, Nature-Nurture, Exploratory Textural Sculptures so we can add you to the correct list!

March 10-12: Saar Snoek, Grow and Bloom, Botanical Spatial Forms from Flat Prefelt


The Materials List can be found HERE!

This workshop complements Workshop 1 but can also be followed independently. In this workshop, we will create spatial forms from flat prefelt. Prefelt is a broad concept: essentially, any felt that is not yet fully felted and finished can be considered prefelt.

In this workshop, you will learn more about making prefelt and how to use it to create spatial forms. How do you give it the properties you need? What can you do with it?

The goal of the workshop is to provide you with a fresh perspective, a head full of ideas, and extensive knowledge.

“I use a lot of flat prefelt for botanically inspired work, so I think it would be fun to take ‘grow and bloom’ as a theme. For participants of Workshop 1, you can let something grow or bloom from your sculpture!”

In this workshop, you will learn to:

  • Recognize and understand the different stages of felting to gain more control over your process.
  • make prefelts with different properties
  • create hollow stems and leaves
  • How to work with different stages of felting, thick and thin material, shine and texture.
  • Work spatially without a resist.
  • Various methods to connect materials.
  • Let go of expectations and respond to your material.

There will be 8 participants in this workshop.

This workshop is now FULL! To be added to the waiting list for this workshop, please email me with the Subject: March 10-12: Saar Snoek, Grow and Bloom, Botanical Spatial Forms from Flat Prefelt so we can add you to the correct list!

March 10-12: Judit Pocs: Sculptural Hats


The Materials List can be found HERE!

We will explore a variety of sculptural hat designs, one for everyone, partly based on your own designs. We will look at making hats decorated with spatial lamellas and creating double shapes. For some styles, you will be able to learn about the use of synthetic organza and how to felt in beads, and we will also be able to create an interesting surface and shape using the cracking technique. Recommended for intermediate/advanced feltmakers.

There will be 12 participants in this workshop.

This workshop is now FULL! To be added to the waiting list for this workshop, please email me with the Subject: March 10-12: Judit Pocs: Sculptural Hats so we can add you to the correct list!

March 13-16: Fiona Duthie, Layers in Design- Fabric Painting and Design Study


The Materials List can be found HERE!

Through nature observation and creative exercises, we look at where to find inspiration and use it to make your own personalized fabrics through abstraction in colour, form, text and layering in markmaking on cloth. We’ll work in colour and black and white to create durable, complex cloth designs that will be collaged into dynamic felt surfaces. We’ll discuss how to go from idea to finished project, and work together through the design steps as you create your own artwork. Projects can include wall hangings, sculptures, vessels or accessories.

There will be 8 participants in this workshop.

This workshop is now FULL! To be added to the waiting list for this workshop, please email me with the Subject: March 13-16: Fiona Duthie, Layers in Design- Fabric Painting and Design Study so we can add you to the correct list!

March 13-16: Judit Pocs, Textural Wall Hanging: cracked wall picture with sequined fabric inlay


The Materials List can be found HERE!

In this course we will create a felt wall panel, building up a picture of your own design which we will decorate with pieces of sequined prefelt and spatially prominent elements. The final size of which will be approximately 90 x 90 cm (36″ x 36″). We combine the traditional felting process with Judit’s own, signature techniques, to produce a very well fulled and beautifully finished work of felt art.  Recommended for intermediate/advanced feltmakers.

There will be 12 participants in this workshop.

This workshop is now FULL! To be added to the waiting list for this workshop, please email me with the Subject: March 13-16: Judit Pocs, Textural Wall Hanging so we can add you to the correct list!