Fibre + Paper Online Workshop-Materials List2020-04-26T18:58:30+00:00

Fibre + Paper Online Workshop: Materials List

There are some basic feltmaking items plus hardware that we will use for this class. 

Paper: Paper packs will be sent out to you before the start of the workshop. This material and shipping are included in your class fee.

Wool:   3.0 ounces/ 85 grams white merino wool  (any micron count)   

                 3.0 ounces/ 85 grams  total  coloured merino wool, in a combination of colours.   Some of this will be used to make prefelt, and some can be used on your vessel. Grey wools look really nice coming through the white paper, so consider having 2 ounces ( 56grams)  in grey and 1 ounce ( 28grams) of coloured wools to make up the 3.0 ounces/ 85 grams  total

Bubblewrap: 2 pieces between 18″-24″  (45cm-60cm) square 

Resist Material: Laminate floor underlay is best, but two pieces of  bubblewrap, taped together can work also.

Old towel

Basin for water

Ball brause or other tool for wetting out

Soap  (I use a natural dish soap or natural liquid dish detergent but whatever soap you prefer will work well)

white vinegar for final rinsing ( you will only need a few tablespoons)

24” (60cm) pipe, dowel or pool noodle. I like to use a length of PVC piping that is between 1″ and 1.5″ (2.5-3.8cm) in diameter. 

 Scissors for Paper

Knitting needle, chopstick or paintbrush

Permanent marker such as the Sakura Identipen, Sharpie markers.

1-2 balloons:  Round and from 9″(22cm) to 11″ (28cm) would be ideal. 


Please do email me if you have any questions about any of the materials here!