It is wonderful to be home after several months of travelling; making, exhibiting, teaching, and to be here in full summer, with time to reflect on, refine and develop the many ideas that I’ve collected over the last few months.
Some of these are new pieces for outdoor installations, and some are for new online classes or additions to existing ones. The creative pace feels full but grounded, strong and well nourished! I’m really looking forward to three full seasons at home in the studio, working with everyone in the online classes coming up!
Registration is now open for all of the classes starting in September. All of the details can be found on my online workshop page, or by clicking on the images below.

Felt Illuminated Online is also running this session. For beginners, Felt Jewelry Online is back, just in this session, with the addition of some lace cutwork in prefelts.
Composition for Feltmakers will start in October. This class is full and rich, and also challenging! It gives you not only the framework for making great creative decisions but also clarifies your own artistic signature. Over the summer, I’m adding to this class, to make the theories as accessible as possible and give you more ways to explore and define your own style and practice. Registration for Composition for Feltmakers opens on August 7.
This summer, I’m also finishing up two new wonderful and exciting classes for January 2018! There will be a followup class to Surface Design Online with a whole new range of dramatic surfaces to add to your repertoire. And a class I’m very excited about- Introduction to Garment Making- 4 simple shapes: vests and shrugs. I’ve been trying to work out an approach I feel comfortable with, to teach garment making online, and while in Shetland last month, a great, clear way presented itself one morning! It really was like a flash of clarity and inspiration, with the last tiny piece falling into place after years of teaching different styles of garments! I’m enjoying making the samples and preparing the lessons now, to share with you in January!
I look forward to working with you this session in our beautiful felt exploration!