PaperFelt Illuminated: February 7th to March 2nd, 2025
Wool and paper layered together produce a unique and inspiring textile that illuminates more beautifully than other combinations. Paper adds structure to the felt while allowing for a light wool layout, creating a warm translucency. The paper enhances the textural and sculptural qualities of the felt. When illuminated the light has a honey coloured glow. When unlit, the surface is matte and white, like porcelain.
Our main project will be a cylindrical lamp. You can choose whether to make a table lamp or a hanging lamp. We work with paper layered reliefs, raised fins, layered dimensional shapes, and flat raised surface shapes.
All workshop materials will be presented by video plus online classroom resources with lots of images and text describing each step. In the three weeks of the class, in addition to making a great textural light, we’ll look at lighting hardware, including sources, plus design process for illuminated felt and construction. For beginning to intermediate feltmakers.
Workshop Fee: $295.00 USD
Registration is now closed for 2025- all of your materials packages are on their way to you!
Find the materials list for this workshop HERE!

Class schedule:
January 24th: Classroom opens for Materials Discussions and Introductions
February 7th: All class materials will be available for you to start your projects.
March 1st: Last day to post questions or work in the online classroom for feedback.
March 2nd: Last day of the workshop
If you have any questions at all about this class- please do email me!