Congratulations to the successful Mentorship Applicants for 2021!
10 full mentorships were awarded this year, plus one partial mentorship. The total value of these mentorships is $9,165 US.
Fiona’s scholarship program is taking on a new format for 2021. It is a mentorship based program with foundations for advancement in skills established through her online workshop offerings, plus 2 hours of one on one discussion, review and critique, plus the completion of a final project and experience review.
You can be a part of an amazing creative community.
You can achieve your creative goals and find your strongest creative voice.
You can learn new technical skills to help you make the best felt possible.
These are the foundations of Fiona’s workshops. Community building, artistic integrity and technical excellence.
It can be hard to keep everything moving forward as we would like on our chosen paths and life circumstances. I have supported myself and my family as an artist and maker since I was 19. I know it can be hard to find the extra finances for a workshop that can help you achieve your goals or further your own work. Workshops can just be slightly out of reach, but also just the thing you need to get that creative push, whether you need this artistically or to support you during a difficult time. Sometimes the barriers are not economic but based in life experiences like physical or mental health issues. I believe in supporting others through any life challenges through the exploration of craft and making.
You will choose from the workshops offerings for October and November, choosing 2 or 3 workshops. Think about the time you have available, your ability to complete the coursework and final project and what workshops, in combination, will best advance your feltmaking.
The following classes are available for this mentorship session: Fibre + Paper (October), Colour Studies for Feltmaking (October), Raised Surfaces (November), and Ink on Cloth (November).
Each of these courses covers a range of techniques, but workshop participants also greatly improve the overall quality of their feltmaking through the dedicated time spent on feltmaking as well as from feedback on technical process and design. You can read the full class descriptions using the links on this page: https://www.fionaduthie.com/workshops/online-felting-workshops/
A review and planning discussion ( ZOOM based) will be scheduled with you at the end of your selected workshops, to explore your ideas for your final project. There is a study group for all mentorship participants to discuss ideas, offer support and provide a framework to help you realize your project goals. A second discussion will be scheduled upon completion of this work, for critique, and to look at moving forward with the techniques in your future projects. Then you will submit a short, but well-considered, reflection of this study period.
The mentorships are awarded based on financial, physical or mental health need and/or key timing for your creative development and/or how you would use this learning opportunity and advancement of your creative practice to serve your community. Your application can be based on any one of these or any combination.
Important Notes:
Recipients will be expected to create a final project and submit a brief report on their workshop experience. This reflection exercise can be invaluable to reinforce the learning outcomes. These two exercises must be submitted within 12 weeks of the conclusion of the workshops. Two one hour online discussions will be scheduled with each recipient- one upon the completion of the classes, to discuss potential directions to implement this new learning in a final project, and another upon completion and submission of the final project.
The mentorship covers the full workshop fee, but not materials. Recipients are responsible for providing their own materials for the class.
If you have already registered for a class upcoming in 2021, you can still apply for a mentorship. If you are awarded the mentorship, you’ll receive a full refund on the class registration fee.
With this learning opportunity, I hope to bring more beauty and ease into the world, while creating opportunities for advancing the artistic and technical aspects of feltmaking. These scholarships opportunities are fully inclusive to all people, including people with disabilities, BIPOC, and LGBTQ2S+.
All information submitted will be kept private and confidential. Only Fiona will be reviewing the applications. Any information, other than first and last name, will ever be shared, anywhere.
Fiona has offered mentorship opportunities since 2017. This program is now in its 5th year.
In 2020, 25 mentorships were awarded. The total value of these mentorships is $6140 USD
In 2019, 13 mentorships were awarded. The total value of these mentorships is $3450 USD