Sculpture for the Body explores the manipulation of the surface of a garment; building up organic shaping that alters the structural lines, beautifully, dynamically and unexpectedly. We’ll create highly wearable art pieces exploring architectural and sculptural design in wool. Layers and shaping will be created with prefelts, cords and gathers, shibori, folding, cutting and stitching. We’ll cover seamless garment construction while making a garment design of the student’s choice-dress, jacket, vest or skirt.
Day 1: Shape, Design and Colour- visual design of a garment
Measurements and resists- physical design and resist making for fit
Beginning layouts
Day 2: Completion of Layout
Stitching, cutting and fabric additions for shaping and dimensional effect
Initial Felting to prefelt stage
Day 3: Finish felting
Refining –Steaming/Shaping
Materials Supplied
Up to 1lb extra fine merino roving
Up to 6 metres silk fabric
Embellishment and Resist materials
Use of:
Bubble Wrap
Pool Noodles
Felting tools
Students should bring:
favourite soap
2 large towels
cloth tape measure
notebook and pens
Learning Outcomes: Techniques to produce lightweight, draping, structural felt. Surface fabric manipulation, aesthetic composition, various surface design embellishment techniques. Garment design and construction for fit, seamless garment construction using resists. Sculptural manipulation of felt through stitching and cutting.